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How Would Like to Become the Wealthiest Person You Know

It’s not about money. It’s the process of earning passive income.

Mike Lamb
5 min readDec 21, 2023


I’m going to show you how you can be richer than you are right now, and soon have more than you could ever achieve, with far less work than you can imagine.

And yes, it’s about making a ton of money.

I want you to consider this your invitation.

I don’t know what being rich means to you.

Becoming rich is a process.


Once you know what to do, to create income, it’s that simple.

I believe being rich is a state of mind. If you have enough to get by and you’re healthy, then you’re richer than most people on the planet.

For many being independent rich is having enough money flowing in, so you can have and do anything you want.

Personally, I believe being independent is having the necessary resources, which ultimately gives you the freedom to make more choices and have more options in your life.

How many times have you thought you’d like to have something, only to find out after you get it there isn’t the satisfaction or joy you thought there would be.

It’s called the “grass is always greener” syndrome. We see things that other people have, and we want them. We must have them. Unfortunately, the want or desire is often much greater than the need, and the acquisition isn’t satisfying at all.

Time and money freedom is altogether something different.

Being rich no doubt represents a lot of things to you. The house you want. The car you want to drive. The places where you want to eat and travel. The sports and entertainment venues you want to enjoy.

When it comes right down to it, you want the freedom to get by without the daily worry and frustration, and have enough money in the bank to enjoy your life. To be a good provider and make sure that if you need something important, NOTHING stands in your way of getting it.

I believe you should always have enough income coming in passively from residual and recurring income sources to give you the necessary cash flow to run your life.

Then you can have other sources of income that flow to you in larger, one time payments and additional automated monthly income.

I call this concept Make Money On Purpose.

Using this philosophy, you’ll earn what you want to earn. What income you decide to bring in for you and your family.

You’ll reach certain benchmarks in revenue, at specific times, but you’ll start with a goal of $10,000 a month.

That’s the amount of passive income most people tout as having enough to be in control.

What I use is a systematic process for creating specific types of income.

  • Recurring Monthly Commissions from Online Services I use and Promote
  • Large One Time Payments from Digital Resale Rights Products I Own and Promote
  • Income from Additional Digital Products I Promote with Social Marketing
  • Income My Newsletter and Email Marketing

Because I’ve learned how to maximize referral income, and the specifics of what to promote for earning the most recurring monthly income I can, I can enjoy life without worry or frustration.

That’s what I want for you.

I have a digital income coaching program and a paid newsletter.

The newsletter is only $15 a month. You learn about my income sources, my successful methods of promotion, plus the exact digital products and recurring income services I promote and how I promote them.

I follow the trends of automatic income, how to make AI work for you, and more jealously guarded secrets of digital income than you can imagine. Again, only for $15 a month.

My coaching program is $495 for the first month, $245 for the following months.

It’s incredibly affordable compared to many personal income coaching programs offered today.

If you want to join me or learn more, reach out here.

The most important thing you will learn is how to create automatic income. This will allow you sit back and work less, and enjoy life more.

Again, your first income goal is $10,000 a month in recurring income.

What you will earn back will be most likely be 10 to 50 times greater than that, and for some of you possibly even more.

Not a promise. Just the reality of passive income.

The time commitment you make you make to yourself is totally up to you. You can work as fast or as slow as you like.

If you can work on your digital marketing business, only 2 to 5 hours a week, good for you. If you can do a couple of hours a day, even better.

The bottom line is whatever time you put in the more results you should see.

Remember, creating automated income takes a certain amount of time to put things in place and create enough momentum. And you’ll be doing this with more than just one income stream. You will have an increasing number of income sources working for you.

I don’t make income predictions, but I will make you this one guarantee. It will be exciting and you will have fun. You will learn and you will profit. Again, how much is up to you.

The more effort you put in, the more momentum you will gain.

You’ll get to know me and I’ll get to know you.

Each new relationship will forge others. You will meet new friends. You might even find marketing buddies or partners.

There will be no judgment from anyone. Just the goal of helping you create passive and recurring income.

Every person on this digital income journey is where we are because of decisions and choices we’ve made, from what we’ve learned.

The next step is up to you. Subscribe to the newsletter here or let me coach you to greater income. Reach me here.

One more thing. With the coaching program, if you have a spouse or partner, they’re included at no additional cost.

You don’t needs any special skills. If you’re already online, sending email, texting people, or watching videos, you have all the skill you need.

You will learn a lot, and if you get stuck or unmotivated, there will be myself and a group of people to help you over the hump and will always have your back.

I have big plans for you. Where do you want to take this?



Mike Lamb

I’m a help others fulfill their income fantasies. My simple plan allows you to build mini-income sources that brings in cash and commissions on autopilot.